Thursday, June 26, 2008

Arch-live 20080626 release

I have update the iso again. Its up to date as of 20080626.

shaman (Need to be root in order ro it to start. This is cause it doesn't has for root password when you start it.)
lighttpd replaces the server modules
mysql is in 08-xlib module now cause its kdemod dep(kdemod is not include)
qtmod from kdemod repalces qt from archlinux
keytouch (I added it in twice by mistake.)
Added e17cvs session to slim. Now you can use e17-cvs desktop on start if you want. (Press F1 on slim login screen to select a desktop.)
I changed the design of the extra/xapps folder. Now its by category of the library it uses. (gtk folder has pygtk, gtk1, and gtk2 apps. qt has qt4 apps, qt3 has qt3 apps, etc.)

You can get the full list of packages and iso here.

You can get kdemod and kdemod4 modules here. Kdmod4 needs jre6u5 for one of the apps to work.

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